Norsk Forening For Musikkterapi ble stiftet i 1972 og har som hovedmål å fremme forståelsen for musikkterapi og etableringen av musikkterapeutisk praksis i Norge.



Louis Martin, studerer musikkterapi ved University of the West of England, og søker 6-10 musikkterapeuter til å delta i videointervju:

Hi all. My name is Louis Martin, and I'm a final year music therapist trainee at the University of the West of England in the UK, conducting research for my dissertation project about music therapists' perceptions of the theory of 'flow' as applied to clinical practice.

I am looking for 6-10 qualified music therapists to participate in online video interviews lasting around an hour, taking place from March to June 2023.

The aim of the research is to gain further understanding of qualified music therapists' perceptions of 'flow' states, and its potential relevance to your work with clients. It will explore music therapists' personal experiences of 'flow' at work and otherwise, and if and how it has an effect on their relationship with their clients. It will also explore their observations of clients in flow, the conditions which led to 'flow' states, and the potential relationship between 'flow' states and therapeutic goals, if indeed there is one.

Interviews will be anonymized and analysed using qualitative methods.

To express your interest in taking part, or to find out more information, please contact Louis Martin at 

Please feel free to share this information with any other music therapists you know, who you think might want to get involved!

Bokanmeldelse: “Trauma-Informed Music Therapy. Theory and Practice”

Bokanmeldelse: “Trauma-Informed Music Therapy. Theory and Practice”

Holmen skole (Oslo) søker musikkterapeut til sin spesialavdeling

Holmen skole (Oslo) søker musikkterapeut til sin spesialavdeling