Norsk Forening For Musikkterapi ble stiftet i 1972 og har som hovedmål å fremme forståelsen for musikkterapi og etableringen av musikkterapeutisk praksis i Norge.

Call for Papers: Special Issues on Music Therapy in the area of Child Welfare

Call for Papers: Special Issues on Music Therapy in the area of Child Welfare

Important alliances have been nurtured between music therapists and children and young people who have been oppressed and marginalized due to their experiences of poverty, abuse and violence. Child welfare aims to support and nurture children's wellbeing and music therapy offers opportunities for children's voices to be heard and responded to in meaningful ways. The research and literature has addressed the immediate and long term risks, mental health concerns and challenges that children in these systems often face, however there is a lack of foundational understanding of the internal and external resources that children need in their lives to assist them to cope and be resilient in the face of adversity. This special issue will provide a space for the experiences of music therapists and children working within the different child welfare systems around the world to be shared. Authors are being asked to draw from their expertise across contexts such as child protection, foster care, abuse, young people excluded from school, family violence and homelessness, and other pertinent areas, to explore some of the recent developments and challenges in child welfare research and practice. Please make sure to focus on the ways music therapists may collaborate with children, families, service systems and the wider community in an attempt to contribute to personal and social change. 

Abstracts due December 31, 2017
Notification if selected for this special issue by January 31, 2018
First Draft due May 31, 2018
Reviewer feedback will be returned by July 15, 2018
Final Drafts due September 1, 2018
Copy editing complete by October 1, 2018
Abstracts to be translated in October, 2018
Issue is live November 1, 2018

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Gjentakelse i musikkterapi - disputas ved Norges musikkhøgskole 5. desember 2017